Articole & Noutati

29 Jul

Verasig Stars cel mai sigur “seif” pentru protectia hotelului dvs.


Intr-un studiu EY “Global hospitality insights: Top thoughts for 2015”, se arata ca industria hoteliera la nivel global cunoaste un val de dezvoltare, inovatie si crestere a cererii si se plaseaza intr-o pozitie excelenta pentru realizarea de noi castiguri in cursul anului 2015.

Un numar important de noi unitati hoteliere se vor deschide in 2015 si va continua procesul de schimbare a proprietarilor in cazul proprietatilor atractive existente. Cu toate acestea, luand in considerare conditiile naturale dar si contextul economico-social, aceasta industrie a ospitalitatii este expusa unor riscuri specifice activitatii din domeniul hotelier.


Unul din riscuri este incendiul. Recent, Duminica, 26 iulie, in statiunea Neptun restaurantul Insula care apartine hotelului cu acelasi nume a fost distrus in totalitate in urma unui incendiu. Turistii cazati la hotelul de care era legat restaurantul au fost evacuati si din fericire, doar cateva persoane au suferit rani usoare si arsuri minore. Cauza incendiului nu este clara si o ancheta se afla in desfasurare.

La Verasig Broker, cunoastem in detaliu riscurile specifice activitatii din domeniul horeca si de aceea sustinem afacerile din domeniul horeca prin Verasig Stars.

Verasig Stars este un pachet complet de solutii speciale pentru asigurarea serviciilor hoteliere si de turism. Se adapteaza specificului fiecarei afaceri pentru a oferi cea mai avantajoasa solutie pentru cel mai ridicat grad de protectie.



In a study EY „Global Hospitality Insights:Top thoughts for 2015,” shows that global hotel industry knows a wave of development, innovation and demand and place in an excellent position to achieve new gains in the 2015.

A significant number of new hotels will open in 2015 and will continue the process of changing existing owners where attractive properties. However, considering the natural conditions but also social and economic context, the hospitality industry is exposed to specific risks.

One of the risks is fire. Recently, Sunday, July 26, in the holiday resort Neptun the restaurant Island that belongs to the hotel with the same name was totally destroyed in a fire. Tourists staying at the hotel that was bound restaurant were evacuated and luckily, few people suffered minor injuries and minor burns. The cause of the fire is unclear and an investigation is underway.

At Verasig Broker, we know in detail the specific risks of hospitality industry and therefore we sustain the business in the industry by Verasig Stars.

Verasig Stars is a complete package of special solutions insuring hotel services and tourism industry. It adapts the specifics of each business to provide the most advantageous solution for the highest degree of protection.

