Articole & Noutati

17 Jun

Verasig, sponsor al echipajului cu cel mai tanar pilot din CNR Danube Delta Rally 2015


In perioada 4-6 iunie 2015, Tulcea a gazduit a XVI-a editie a Danube Delta Rally.
Danube Delta Rally este a V-a etapa din FIA European Rally Trophy 2015 si a III-a din Campionatul National de Raliuri Dunlop.

La startul competitiei s-au aliniat 54 de echipaje nationale si internationale, acesta fiind un numar record de echipaje participante, atat pentru etapele anterioare ale Danube Delta Rally, dar si cel mai mare numar de echipaje inscrise in etapele desfasurate pana in prezent in Campionatul National de Raliuri Dunlop – 2015.

Verasig Broker de Asigurare sustine siguranta, pasiunea si perseverenta tinerelor talente, precum tanarul pilot Norbert Maior care la numai 16 ani a debutat in cadrul Campionatului National de Raliuri Danube Delta Rally 2015, alaturi de dl. Adrian Dincu.

Desi au avut parte de o usoara iesire din decor pe probele din prima zi şi nu au reusit sa ajunga la finalul primei sectiuni, echipa Norbert Maior – Adrian Dincu a demonstrat pe probele speciale din Dobrogea ca sunt o echipa ambitioasa si unita lucru care i-a clasat pe locul al III-lea in cadrul Cupei Dacia.

Verasig sustine performanta si spiritul competitiv al tinerelor talente din motorsportul romanesc si echipei Norbert Maior-Adrian Dincu le dorim cat mai multe victorii in Campionatul National de Raliuri.


On 4-6 June 2015, Tulcea hosted the XVI edition of Danube Delta Rally.
Danube Delta Rally is the fifth round of the FIA European Rally Trophy in 2015 and the third in the Dunlop National Rally Championship.

At the start of the competition lined up 54 national and international teams, which is the record number of participants for both the earlier stages of Danube Delta Rally, but also the highest number of teams entered in the stages held so far in National Championship Dunlop Rally 2015.

Verasig Broker supports the safety, passion and perseverance of young talents, like the young pilot Norbert Maior who at just 16 years debutated in the National Championship Rally Danube Delta 2015 with Mr. Adrian Dincu.

Although they had a light output of the decor on the first day evidence and failed to reach at the end of the first section, Norbert Maior-Adrian Dincu team revealed on the special stages of Dobrogea that are an ambitious and united team, which has ranked them on the third place in Dacia Cup.

Verasig supports the performance and competitive spirit of young talents in romanian motorsport and for team Norbert Maior-Adrian Dincu we want to wish a lot of wins in the National Rally Championship.
