Verasig a sustinut organizarea celei mai mari expozitii cartofile din Romania care a debutat pe data de 12 August la Muzeul de Arta Constanta si se deruleaza pana pe 19 August.
Intr-un cadru deosebit organizatorii, cu sprijinul Verasig Broker de Asigurare si Reasigurare, au reinviat imaginea Constantei si a Romaniei de acum 100 de ani prin exponate prezentate in premiera publicului.
Cele peste 40 de exponate prezentate in cadrul expozitiei contin piese foarte rare si piese unicat ce apartin celor mai de seama colectionari din Romania.
Vernisajul expozitiei s-a bucurat de un real succes atragand un numar mare de pasionati ai cartofiliei dar si turisti si constanteni dornici sa faca o incursiune inedita in vremurile de alta data.
Verasig endorse the making of the biggest cartofil exhibition from Romania that took place on 12 august at Art Museum in Constanta and runs until 19 august.
In a special cadre the organizers, with Verasig Insurance and Re-insurance Broker support, have rake up the image of Constanta and Romania 100 years ago by exhibits shown for the first time to the public.
More then 40 exhibits shown in this exhition include very rare and unique pieces belonging to the first collectors of Romania.
The exhibition vernishing enjoyed a great succes attracting a large number of catofilia enthusiasts but also tourists and local habitants willing to make a unique insight in foretime.