Articole & Noutati

30 Jun

Primul birou Verasig dedicat persoanelor fizice din Constanta


Pe 22 iunie am deschis in Constanta primul birou Verasig Broker de Asigurare dedicat persoanelor fizice.

Este un concept diferit, dezvoltat pentru a raspunde necesitatii tot mai multor clienti persoane fizice de a avea suport in caz de dauna, de a-si recupera rapid sumele asigurate si de a-si reduce semnificativ cheltuielile aferente.

Folosind un concept diferit, ne propunem sa venim in intampinarea clientilor prin servicii de consultanta de specialitate, pentru ca acestia sa obtina rapid asigurarea optima pentru ei si sa fim alaturi de clienti ori de cate ori acestia au nevoie, venind in sprijinul lor pe tot parcursul procedurii de recuperare rapida a despagubirilor in caz de dauna.

Biroul se afla pe strada Cismelei nr.8 (cartier Tomis Nord, langa ING Office), iar programul de lucru este luni – vineri intre orele 10.00 – 18.00 si sambata intre orele 09.00 – 13.00.

Stim ca in prezent clientii pot cumpara rapid asigurari online, in mall sau in diverse spatii comerciale, insa atunci cand au o dauna si trebuie sa foloseasca cu adevarat polita de asigurare, clientii constata ca sunt singuri in relatia cu asiguratorii. In plus clientii nu beneficiaza de consultanta de specialitate atunci cand aleg un astfel de furnizor. Am deschis acest birou pentru a fi alaturi de clienti ori de cate este nevoie si de a le oferi tot sprijinul nostru in alegerea celor mai avantajoase solutii de asigurare.”, a declarat Gabriel Octavian Nicolae, Director General Verasig Broker de Asigurare si Reasigurare.



On June 22 we opened Verasig Broker first office dedicated to retail customers.

It’s a different concept, develped to meet the need of more and more retail customers to have support in case of damage, to quickly recover the sums insured and to significantly reduce the costs.

Using a different concept, we aim to help our clients through consulting services, for them to quickly obtain optimal insurance and to be beside them whenever they need and support them throughout the procedure of rapid recovery of the sums in case of damage.

The office is located on Cismelei No.8 (Tomis Nord neighborhood, near ING), and working ours are Monday – Friday between 10.00 – 18.00 and Saturday between 09.00 – 13.00.

“We know that customers can now quickly buy insurance online, at the mall or anywhere else, but when you have a claim and must use the insurance policy, customers find they are alone in dealing with the insurers. We opened this office exactly to be there for the customers when they need us and to give them our full support”, said Gabriel Octavian Nicolae, General Manager of Verasig.
