2015 este anul in care implinim un deceniu de activitate: Primii.Zece.Ani Verasig.
Pentru ca este un an special ne-am propus sa-l sarbatorim intr-un mod deosebit si sa continuam sa ne dezvoltam pentru clientii nostri.
Din dorinta de a oferi clientilor nostri cel mai ridicat grad de protectie si de a le fi alaturi ori de cate ori acestia au nevoie, al 4-lea eveniment prin care marcam Primii. Zece. Ani este deschiderea reprezentantei Verasig in Brasov.
Reprezentanta Verasig Brasov a fost inaugurata pe data de 23 octombrie si se afla pe strada Calea Bucuresti nr. 101A. Programul de lucru al reprezentantei este de luni pana vineri intre orele 10.00 – 18.00 si sambata intre orele 09.00 – 13.00.
Biroul este dedicat atat persoanelor fizice cat si persoanelor juridice, iar clientii care ii trec pragul pot incheia o serie de asigurari avantajoase de tipul: RCA, CASCO, PAD, Locuinte, Bunuri, Sănătate şi Pensii.
“ Ne dorim sa fim cat mai aproape de clientii nostri si am decis sa ne extindem pentru a le oferi suportul de care au nevoie, indiferent de oras. Suntem intr-un proces de dezvoltare in care cele mai importante lucruri pentru noi sunt nevoia de siguranta si de protectie a clientilor nostri.”, Dl. Gabriel Octavian Nicolae, director general Verasig.
2015 is the year in which we complete a decade of activity: First.Ten.Years. Verasig.
Because is a special year we wanted to celebrate in a special way and we continued to develop for our clients. Wanting to offer our customers the highest level of protection and be with them whenever they need, the 4th event which mark the First.Ten.Years Verasig is opening the Verasig representative in Brasov.
The office from Brasov was inaugurated on 23 october and is located on Calea Bucuresti nr.101A. The working program of the representative is from Monday till Friday, between 10.00 18.00 and Saturday between 09.00 – 13.00.
The office is dedicated to both individuals and corporate clients, and the customers that cross the threshold may conclude a series of insurance like: RCA, CASCO, PAD, Home, Goods, Health and Pensions.
“We want to be closer to our customer and we decided to expand to give them the support they need, regardless of the city. We are in a process of development in which the most important things for us are the need for safety and protection of our customers.” Mr. Gabriel Octavian Nicolae, General Manager of Verasig.