Gala Premiilor Pietei Asigurarilor, acordate de catre Revista XPRIMM – Asigurari&Pensii, este un eveniment de traditie, marca si tinuta, care aduce, de 13 ani, recunoastere acestei importante industrii.
Pe 18 februarie la Club Tribute, a avut loc cea de-a patra editie a Galei Premiilor Brokerilor de Asigurare, care a reunit profesionisti din pietele intermediare si de asigurari.
In cadrul galei organizate de Revista PRIMM Asigurari & Pensii, ca o recunoastere a performantei inregistrare in 2014, Verasig a obtinut Premiul Silver Broker si Premiul XPRIMM Customer Care.
Premiul Silver Broker ne-a fost acordat ca o recunoastere a business-ului realizat in anul 2014.
In mod particular, anul acesta prin Premiul XPRIMM Customer Care ne-a fost reconfirmata si recunoscuta preocuparea noastra de a apara si reprezenta interesele clientilor nostri si de a oferi consultanta strategica in selectarea si managementul celor mai bune solutii de asigurari.
Insurance Market Awards Gala, granted by XPRIMM Insurance&Pensions Magazine, is an event of tradition, mark and attitude, that for 13 years brings recognition on this important industry.
On February 18 at Club Tribute, took place the fourth edition of Insurance Brokers Awards Gala, which bought together market professionals and insurance intermediary.
At the gala organized by XPRIMM Insurance&Pensions Magazine, in recognition of the performance recorded in 2014 Verasig obtained Silver Broker Award and XPRIMM Customer Care Award.
The Silver Broker Award was given to us in recognition of the business conducted in 2014.
In particular, through Customer Care Award, XPRIMM reconfirmed and acknowledged our concern to protect and represent our customer interests and to provide strategic consultancy for selecting and managing the best insurance solutions.