Articole & Noutati

21 May

O echipa cu Performanta Constanta


Pentru al 2-lea an consecutiv Dl. Gabriel Octavian Nicolae, manager general al Verasig Broker de Asigurare se clasează pe locul 2 in topul national al celor mai buni consultanți ING Asigurari de viata si pe Locul I in Regiunea de Est.

Echipa Verasig are la baza manageri cu experienta solida si rezultate remarcabile in domeniul asigurarilor de viata si non-viata. Pasiunea pentru performanta se regaseste in toata activitatea Verasig si de aceea ne straduim sa va oferim cele mai bune servicii posibile.

In calitatea de consultant ING, Dl. Gabriel Octavian Nicoale detine titlul pentru Cea mai mare polita de asigurare de viata din Europa vanduta in 2008 si este primul consultant in istoria ING Romania care ocupa 2 ani consecutiv, in 2010 si 2011, Locul 2 in topul national al celor mai buni consultanti ING.


For the 2nd consecutive year, Mr. Gabriel Octavian Nicholas, general manager of Verasig Broker ranks on 2and place in the national top of the best consultants ING Life Insurance and 1st place in the Eastern Region.

Verasig team is based on managers with solid experience and outstanding results on life and non-life insurance field. The passion for performance is found in all Verasig activities and therfore we strive to oofer the best possible services.

In his character of ING consultant, Mr. Octavian Gabriel Nicolae holds the title for The biggest life insurance policy from Europe, sold in 2008 and is the 1st consultant in ING Romania history that occupy for 2 consecutive years, in 2010 and 2011, 2nd place in national ranking for best ING consultants.
