Articole & Noutati

10 Sep

Activitatea Verasig este apreciata si premiata de partenerii sai


Suntem onorati ca dupa 9 ani de colaborare fructuoasa cu Generali sa primim Premiul de Excelenta pentru parteriatul de succes pe care Verasig il are cu Generali Romania in domeniul asigurarilor corporate si retail.

In egala masura performanta constanta in domeniul asigurarilor de viata ne-a adus o noua recunoastere a calitatii serviciilor din partea ING Asigurari de Viata prin Dl. Gabriel Nicolae, fondator si manager general al Verasig ce a primit recent titlul de Cel mai bun consultant cu experienta din agentia Constanta.

Verasig crede in parteneriate solide cu toti partenerii si clientii sai iar intreaga echipa este dedicata dezvoltarii relatiilor de colaborare care servesc in cel mai bun mod interesele clientilor nostri.


We are honored that after 9 years of fruitful collaboration with Generali we received the Award of Excellence for the successful partnership that Verasig has with Generali Romania in the field of corporate and retail insurance.

Equally consistent performance in the field of life insurance has brought us a new recognition of the quality of our services from ING Life Insurance through Mr. Gabriel Nicolae, founder and general manager of Verasig that recently received the title of Best consultant with experience in Constanta agency.

Verasig believes in strong partnerships with all partners and clients and the entire team is dedicated to developing collaborative relationships in the best way to serve our clients’ interests.
